Monday, August 27, 2012

Obat Patah Hati?

Obat patah hati itu adalah dengan jatuh cinta lagi..
Tapi..menurut loe apakah itu lumrah?
Bukan hanya sekedar pelarian?
Lari dari kenyataan kalau hati loe sakit?

gw pribadi lebih setuju dengan quote ini ;
*sebenernya ini judul buku yang baru gw tahu dari salah satu teman baru gw*

Menurut gw, ini lebih masuk akal..
Ga akan ada pihak-pihak yang tersakiti.. Even mantan loe, cowo/cewe baru loe, diri loe sendiri, atau teman-teman loe..
Ketemu teman baru, dunia baru, situasi baru..
Mencoba hal-hal yang belum pernah loe lakuin sebelumnya..

Kalo gw pribadi, so far ada 2 hal yang bisa bikin gw lupa dari sakit :
1. Laut.. ga tau kenapa gw cinta banget sama laut, deburan ombak, nyebur, liat karang, ikan, even itu bikin gw tambah item.. :) dan ternyata gw nemuin kalo edelweis itu ga cuma hidup di gunung, di dalam laut pun ada edelweis.. (ini gw maksa! tapi emang beneran bentuk tanaman di dalam laut kemaren ituh mirip banget sama edelweis)
2. Lapo.. nikmatnya panggang pake sambal ijo itu mantab.. yang penting makan dulu ajah, kalo untuk urusan keluar lagi entah dari atas atau bawah gara2 loe mencri-mencri, itu lain persoalan :p

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


I keep running..
To a place that I never knew..
To a place that I thought I can disappear..
Runaway from u..
Runaway from the memory..
But u keep haunting me..
I see u in every place I go..
No matter how far is it..

I've killed the distant..
I've killed the fear..
I speed up the RPM..
Focusing with the road..
Oh dear.. I see u everywhere..

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Dan kita

dan kita bicara..
tanpa emosi..
tak jua saling menekan..
tak mencari pembenarannya masing-masing..
tak ada kata makian..
semua teralun dalam harmoninya..
kau memberikan sebuah gambaran dunia baru untukku..
yang mana memang sudah tergambar jelas untukku kelak..
dan bahkan kau memberiku peluang-peluang yang tak pernah kubayangkan sebelumnya..
engkau dengan kebesaran hatimu memberi ruang tanpa batas untukku, walaupun aku tahu ruang itu menyesakkan hatimu..
kebijaksanaanmu hari ini memberi secercah asa terhadap hari esok..

hari ini bukanlah sebuah kebetulan..
percakapan itu tak juga kita rencanakan sebelumnya..
semua mengalir terucap dari hati dan pikiran kita..
bila ini salah satu bagian jalanNya, bersyukurlah aku, karena memilikimu..

-percakapan seorang laki2 paruh baya dengan gadisnya yang beranjak dewasa-

HIS plan

"There's a time and place for everything, for everyone. God works in a mysterious way." We won't know what is HIS plan, but one thing we have to believe HE always give us the best way eventhough it will hurt us..


"Kuharap kau tak pernah beranjak, karena benang-benang jalinan yang perlahan kita rajut tak ingin kehilangan pola perjuangannya meski baru titik-titik ini yang mampu kususun untuk melukis warna kita di kanvas peradaban semesta"

No matter how

Even eyes are closed.. 
Ears are deaf..
And still have no light on this dark air..
I keep watching you.. no matter how.. Someone, Something keep telling me..

Do you

I see no moonlight tonite neither the starlight..
Even the winds stop their blowing..

I only see the fireworks coloring the dark sky above..

And I still can hear my whispered.. calling your name..

-do u missed me-

Saturday, August 18, 2012

I don't Love You

I want to sing "I don't Love You"
and say it loud!!!
I don't Love You!!!

But it fake... 
Everything is still goes to you.. to us..
The universe still work.. (unconsciously)
Hell yeah..


Kita bicara..
Saling bertatapan... dengan sebatang rokok di tangan kita masing-masing..
Tentang rasa..
Tentang dunia..
Tentang masa depan..
Tentang aku..
Tentang kamu..
Hidupku... Hidupmu..
Kita tak berdebat perihal kepergianku kelak..
Walaupun raut wajahmu menyiratkan keberatan hatimu merelakanku pergi..
Menatapmu, menimbulkan gejolaknya sendiri.. Jantung ini bergemuruh..
Ingin kuceritakan duniaku kepadamu tanpa setitikpun terlewatkan..
Tapi bibir ini tetap bungkam..
Aku hanya memberi sebuah gambaran.. sepenggal cerita hidupku..
Dan itu cukup.. melegakan hati yang masih bergejolak tak menentu..

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Rindu itu abstrak..

Tak bisa terucap..
Tak bisa terungkap..
Tak bisa terbaca..
Tak bisa diraba..

Dan aku tau, rindu itu...

- Kamu -

Called me

They called me crazy...
They called me weirdo..
They called me insane..
And you must be called me the same like they does..
And you said it just a feeling that can be vanished someday..

And if I say "I don't want neither I can't"
Maybe the last thing you'll do is leave me hangin' there by myself..
And there will be only me, myself and I...

Thursday, August 9, 2012


A : I was asking You..

G : And I gave you, right?

A : Yeah, and I was grateful..

G : Then, now what is on your cheek?

A : Tears..

G : Why?

A : I lost him!

G : Don’t you understand, once I gave you, it’ll be yours forever, unless I change my mind and take it back..

A : I don’t understand.. He’s gone..

G : He’s gone? Just look into your heart now.. listen.. feel it.. He still there, rite? He won’t go if you keep it..

      Every time you talk to me, you talk to him…

      Every time you call me, you call his name..

      Every time you breathe, you have his on your breath..

      Every time your heart beat so fast, you are both closed..

      And it is called Love..


- You may not see it or understand it now, but everything in your life is unfolding as it should -

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Do you feel the same...
Does your heart sometimes beat so fast but you dont understand why?
You stay in a crowd but you can't enjoy the rhythm..
You can't scream as your heart does..
Pressures on your shoulder and does your heart..

Memories are on your sight.. Still trying hard to deny for its existence..
Those are squeeze your heart..
Do we both runaway from the reality?
Denying our own feeling and still looking for our own defense.

Do you think that it's only a matter of time? Time will heal us?
Let's see.. Let's wait... How long it'll take us to our own falsity..

Sunday, August 5, 2012

"I Won't Give Up"

When I look into your eyes
It's like watching the night sky
Or a beautiful sunrise
There's so much they hold
And just like them old stars
I see that you've come so far
To be right where you are
How old is your soul?

I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up

And when you're needing your space
To do some navigating
I'll be here patiently waiting
To see what you find

'Cause even the stars they burn
Some even fall to the earth
We've got a lot to learn
God knows we're worth it
No, I won't give up

I don't wanna be someone who walks away so easily
I'm here to stay and make the difference that I can make
Our differences they do a lot to teach us how to use
The tools and gifts we got yeah, we got a lot at stake
And in the end, you're still my friend at least we did intend
For us to work we didn't break, we didn't burn
We had to learn how to bend without the world caving in
I had to learn what I've got, and what I'm not
And who I am

I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up
Still looking up.

I won't give up on us (no I'm not giving up)
God knows I'm tough enough (I am tough, I am loved)
We've got a lot to learn (we're alive, we are loved)
God knows we're worth it (and we're worth it)

I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up

yes, I won't give up...

Someday - August Rush

Another way out..
Just make a distant between me and my expectation..
I know those gonna be real someday..
But let me through these shit first..
No body said it will be easy..
And I'll put all my thought left behind..
Won't follow them.. I'll follow the light who made the dark shadow in front of me..
I see the shadow, the pain is still exist..
But I'll forget the shadow, leave the pain on it..
I won't do anything to make those pain revealed..
I'll put my memories lock, still trying to make it stay on it shelf.. I should not be bothered by the memories and my worried about the futures.
One thing that I still believe that God still on His plan, and its only one way that I've got through these.

I'm sick to made myself sick!
Nobody will understand, and everyone will say that I'm so much crazy..
And you'll say it same..
I just can't made myself higher than before..
I just made myself live.. To live another day without you..

There will be a rainbow someday..

Someday - August Rush - John Legend

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