Buat gw :
I kept my eyes blindly and kept my ears deaf!!
those good for my own..
Buat gw :
I kept my eyes blindly and kept my ears deaf!!
those good for my own..
Gw cuma punya 2 tangan..
Ga sanggup nutupin mulut sekian banyak mulut yg ngebicarain tentang hidup gw..
2 tangan itu gw pake buat nutupin kuping gw sendiri aja..
Intinya sih, gw ga peduli orang ngomong apa tentang gw.. mau jelek ya silahkan.. mau bagus ya silahkan..
Kan loe cuma ngeliat dari kulit luarnya doang..
Yg tau tentang hidup gw ya gw..
Kalo loe ga suka.. ya silahkan..
Monggo di unshare..
Ga ribet ribet amat deh..
Kalo loe ngomongin gw.. itu kan tandanya loe masih inget gw.. ada "kasih" yg terlontar dr hati loe, even itu dalam bentuk negatif.. gpp kok.. "Kasih" yg sampe ke gw pasti positif..
Semakin banyak yg ngomongin.. gw semakin blessed kok.. "I do believe it"..
sooo... whatever..
Im happy as I am..
Do u remember this?
it was taken 32 weeks ago.. celebrated our 1st month..
Okay.. i just recalled the memory from my insta.. and saw it..
Im not asking some chances.. just wondering why those shows up on my daily dreams..
Do i or do u, who recall our names daily?
Kita bicara..
Empat mata..
Dari hati ke hati..
Tentang kesesakkanmu..
Tentang sebuah hal yang selama ini mengganjal hatimu..
Kekhawatiranmu.. yang kerap menjadi kekhawatiranku juga..
Terkadang aku terdiam dalam kebisuan..
Tak mampu berucap..
Tak mampu lagi menimpali..
Aku mengerti.. sungguh mengerti..
Tapi aku hanya dapat terdiam seribu bahasa..
Aku tak memiliki jawaban kesesakkanmu kali ini..
Aku tak punya..
Maafkan aku..
I was asked to Him to make my days busy..
And its granted..
buuutt.. For sure i cant do all these things by my own.. and luckily He always give me accompanion.. random..
Owhhh.. how great my Lord then..
This is a project of mine..
another one step ahead for myself..
Eventually.. when it finish, a big grin will covers on my face..
Thank u for my friends who supporting me..
Thank u for your help, times, effort.
Thank u Lord..
I know.. I'm blessed..
I was mad..
Yes, I did..
But.. blood say no..
I do love them..
Yes, I do..
Hei universe..
Please take care of them..
And please take care of me too when no one can do it..
I was dreaming.. yes, I did..
That was not a good dream..
Maybe I should give them some warning..
Like I did it to myself..
But maybe these are the path of ours..
No way to run.. no place to hide..
We must run through these..
Get well soon my brother..
Get well soon my father..
Get well soon novanopha..
Get relief my uncle..
Be happy my lovely Faiz in heaven..
Get well soon the boy next to me..
Get well soon my ex..
I do love you all..
Jan14.. universe is crying..
Universe is in sorrow..
Please be ended soon..
Si gendut di opname..
Bokap kakinya bengkak lantaran asam uratnya naik..
Di satu sisi, gw juga lg tepar lantaran banjir2an kemaren.. ispa n demam melanda..
Tapi cuma gw yg masih bisa jalan kesana kemari..
Watuduuu... watuddduuu?
*Acting jadi si sulung lagi??
It aint easy..
It aint easy..
But I believe I CAN..
The brain is not designed to do this stuff..
Starting to get the right person who can be believed..
Comparing with..
Cherry pick..
And have no one to be talked to..
I need a pa.. a ma.. in the name of fam..
It aint easy..
I almost give up..
A ma..
Ur daughter is big enough.. but not that big..
Feel so small.. only a dot..
A ma..
A ma..
I need your help..
I do need someone help..
Can u talk to a pa or to the son of yours?
Im giving up to talk to..
A ma.. a ma..
Im sorry to call u everytime when this thing come to my head..
Who gonna look after me?
I am standing alone..
Am I that strong?
Its too windy.. too tough to pass on..
Im giving up..
Ada rasa yang bergejolak..
Ada asa yang masih tertinggal..
Sebaris kalimat yang kerap terucap.. memohonkan hanya kehadirat Sang Pencipta..
Dalam sesak ia bergumul..
Dalam cinta ia berharap..
Bapa..Bapa.. begitulah ia memanggilMu..