Monday, April 29, 2013

Invisible Girl

The invisible girl just lost a friend
In her painted expression you see the pain
She tries to smile and tries to cheer
but deep inside she's covered in fears.

The invisible girl feels alone
She tries to look brave
show a heart of stone.

*taken from insta - therulesoflife

Friday, April 26, 2013


Give me a reason..
Just one reason..
For a homy place..
If his existence still can't make me comfort..
I have a reason to come home..
But that's not a reason to make me homy..

So far.. even i have nothing here..
This place still made me homy..

My sanctuary..

Monday, April 15, 2013


You are just a jerk..
same like the other guy..
Nothing can't make you different!!
Just said some shit without moved..
I call you today and tomorrow.. that you are a coward!!
Yes.. you are... the same shit..


enjoy the pain that you've made for yourself!!!!
you are nothing!!!!

Monday, April 8, 2013

catatan terburuk

catatan terburuk sepanjang sejarah hidup :
max : 65kg
min  : 49kg

oh deeemm, please jangan turun lagi yaaaakk.. :(

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I don't get it

I don't get it..

I don't get it..

Or maybe I just don't want to care anymore..

I'm not excited when you share me that story.. Cause at then end you put that kind of words..

I'm happy with everything that you've achieved..

But I just don't get it with your words..

I forgave you already, but I just don't want to come through your life..

Just share those your story with your loved one..

Don't forget, that I've gone at the day I left our house..


I got another same story this afternoon..
and do you know, that I'm so happy to hear it..
same story, different people and different excitement...

Monday, April 1, 2013

monday mood

cuma pengen duduk di bawah kran air..
dan berharap semua yang nempel bisa ikut luruh dalam derasnya air..
ada yang tertahan.. ahh mungkin ini hanya kejenuhan selama beberapa minggu terakhir ini aja.. menampung yang kupikir bisa tertampung.. tapi lupa kalau daya tampungnya pun terbatas.. 
pengen ibu..pengen ibu..pengen ibu..

*my monday mood..